Monday, July 8, 2024

Is 5E Really Easier Than 1E? Let's Do Science (Sort Of)! Part III - There Must Be Some Kind of Way Out of Here

We continue working our way through both versions of the Hidden Shrine of Temoachan in an effort to get a more reality-based perspective on whether 5E D&D has been made easier since the time of 1E AD&D.  The party has made it through the first few rooms successfully, though the 1E party is suffering more.

I'll admit that in the early stages, my expectations were flipped in that the difficulty between editions is a lot closer than I'd thought, but at the same time we can see that the 1E party is going to start having some real problems before long.

Having cleared the tomb of Tloques-Popolocas the party continues down the corridor.

Area 6: Rubble-filled Staircase


  The party moves down the corridor and turns left.  The dim light of their torches and spells does not penetrate far into the thick darkness but it quickly becomes evident that they can go no further as the stairs are caved in.  Mikhael briefly considers trying to excavate but Weyland, upon examining the pile and making an Investigation check, declares that it is impassible.  Frustrated, Mikhael leads the party back down the corridor and into the large, muddy room.  

  The giant crayfish is wary, but since Mikhael leads the party around the wall to the north and does not approach, it remains calm.  The party reaches the top of a flight of stairs.

Twenty-Five minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


  The party moves down the corridor and turns left.  The dim light of their torches and spells does not penetrate far into the thick darkness but it quickly becomes evident that they can go no further as the stairs are caved in.  Mikhael briefly considers trying to excavate but after a brief discussion with the party that route is abandoned as impassible.  Frustrated, Mikhael leads the party back down the corridor and into the large, muddy room.  

  The giant crayfish is wary, but since Mikhael leads the party around the wall to the north and does not approach, it remains calm.  The party reaches the top of a flight of stairs.

Some of the party members start coughing and hacking, with Weyland especially feeling light-headed.

Forty minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.

Area 4: Mud-Filled Doorway 


Mikhael leads the party down the stairs onto the landing, but it is filled with deep silt that prevents the party from pulling the door open.  He takes his shield and, with Nathair helping using hers, tries to scoop the silt away from the door.  The semi-liquid silt just pours back, however, and after a minute of trying, the party can see that this approach is not working.  His frustration mounting, Mikhael reluctantly leads the party back up the stairs, becoming concerned that the strange gas may soon start to affect the group.  Once again staying close to the wall in the mud room, he leads the party through the door on the west side of the room.

Twenty-Eight minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


Mikhael leads the party down the stairs onto the landing, but it is filled with deep silt that prevents the party from pulling the door open.  He takes his shield and, with Nathair helping using hers, tries to scoop the silt away from the door.  The semi-liquid silt just pours back, however, and after a minute of trying, the party can see that this approach is not working.  His frustration mounting, Mikhael reluctantly leads the party back up the stairs, becoming concerned about the injury the group is suffering from the poison gas.  Once again staying close to the wall in the mud room, he leads the party through the door on the west side of the room.

Forty-three minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


I considered using 1E Morton's Purify Water spell to clear the silt, but I am just not sure it would work.  Besides, if they got through the door, the 1E party would be separated from the 5E party and I don't need that headache. 

Area 8: Courses of the Gods 


Mikhael leads the party down a flight of stairs to a door.  Weyland makes an Investigation check to find traps and finds none.  Pushing the door open, Mikhael peers inside sees no immediate danger, and leads the party through.  Stig inconspicuously grabs the silver pyramid as he passes by it, but fails his sleight of hand roll miserably the others know it, but they still don't care.

Thirty-one minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


Mikhael leads the party down a flight of stairs to a door.  They are no longer moving at the same level of caution because the party's ability to keep soaking the poison gas damage is running low.  Stig makes a Find Traps roll and finds none.  Pushing the door open, Mikhael peers inside sees no immediate danger, and leads the party through.  Stig inconspicuously grabs the silver pyramid as he passes by it, succeeding in his Pick Pockets roll and nobody notices.

3gp gained.

Forty-seven minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


Sometimes nothing happens in a dungeon room, especially in one like this where time is of the essence.  1E takes longer to search than 5E, and it shows when PCs are no longer trying, and just trying to make it through.

Area 9: Stone Statue


Mikhael leads the party through a door and around a corner, soon coming to a statue on one side.  Weyland and (Stig assisting) rolls Investigation (with advantage) to look for traps.  They find none, and Stig asks Mikhael to give him a boost up onto the tray.  Weyland stops this.  The statue is top-heavy and may fall if Stig climbs onto it.  Stig rolls Acrobatics to use the other wall features to climb high enough to reach the gem eyes.  As he leans over, he fails a roll and falls onto the tray, toppling the statue.  

Stig falls with the statue and is lightly injured.  With the statue down and broken, the party realizes there is a passageway behind it.  They gather the gems and the sword from the statue and decide to investigate the tunnel.  Might it be a way out?

Thirty-four minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


Mikhael leads the party through a door and around a corner, soon coming to a statue on one side.  Stig rolls to Check for Traps and succeeds.  He finds none, and Stig asks Mikhael to give him a boost up onto the tray.  He gets up onto the tray easily, but his weight causes the statue to topple over.

With the statue down and broken, the party realizes there is a passageway behind it.  They gather the gems and the sword from the statue and decide to investigate the tunnel.  Might it be a way out?

4gp treasure (the onyx eyes)

Fifty-one minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.  Each character takes more damage.  Nathair casts Cure Light Wounds on Weyland, healing only 1 hit point.  She casts it again and heals him for 3 more.  She has no more Cure Light Wounds spells memorized.  Morton casts Cure Light Wounds on Stig but only heals him for 2 hit points.  


The 1E party is in a bad way and getting worse.  To compound the problem, their healing resources are running low.  Things aren't looking great for Stig and Weyland.  

Area 10: Secret Passage


Mikhael leads the party through the passageway quickly, takes the left and, after a short time, can see the other end of the passageway is wedged open.  The party quickly makes for the opening and exits the tunnel.

Thirty-five minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


Mikhael leads the party through the passageway quickly, takes the left and, after a short time, can see the other end of the passageway is wedged open.  The party quickly makes for the opening and exits the tunnel.

Fifty-two minutes in the dungeon exposed to poison gas.


Nothing really to say here.  It's a hallway.


I can see why there are few encounters in this dungeon.  The 1E party is barely holding together and I wouldn't bet on the survival of Stig and Weyland.  The 5E group is holding up fine, having used relatively few resources and not yet injured, except for Stig who is his own worst enemy.

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