Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Is 5E Really Easier Than 1E? Let's Do Science (Sort Of)! Part V - Will It Be Over Soon?

 I have a feeling the next few rooms are going to be a big decider.  Without further ado, let's find out.

Area 23: Light Ahead


The party sees a light, flitting about ahead of them.  Cautiously they continue down the corridor, following the light.  Upon reaching a pit, they see the light has gone.  The pit is only five feet wide, and so each party member decides to jump it (Athletics roll).

Everyone makes it across except Weyland, who trips and tumbles down into the pit.  He is injured but not severely.  With little effort, Stone lowers a rope to him and Weyland is able to climb out.

Nathair has been examining the triangular obstacle in their way and sees scrapes on the floor suggesting it is movable.  Mikhael and Stone grab hold and push, rotating the triangle to the left, creating a narrow passage through.  The party makes its way past the triangle and once again see the moving light ahead.

They begin to feel ill and weakened but continue.

One hour and three minutes in the dungeon, and the poison gas is having an effect.


The party sees a light, flitting about ahead of them.  Cautiously they continue down the corridor, following the light. 

Upon reaching a pit, they see the light has gone.  The pit is only five feet wide, and so each party member decides to jump it.

Nathair examines the triangular obstacle in their way and sees scrapes on the floor suggesting it is movable.  Mikhael and Stone grab hold and push, rotating the triangle to the left, creating a narrow passage through.  It is too narrow to pass by with their equipment and armor on, so they have no choice but to remove it to fit through, then don their armor again on the other side.  Removing Mikhael's armor takes far too long, and the effects of the poison gas get worse.  Both he and Stone are forced to leave their armor behind, or taking the time to put it back on would cause even more gas exposure that they cannot afford.  

Weyland staggers, very weak.  Stone produces a Potion of Extra Healing from his pack and offers it to him.  Weyland drinks deeply, and by the time he is finished he feels fully refreshed.  He thanks Stone for the boon and assists him in lashing his plate mail armor to his pack so it doesn't need to be left behind. 

The party makes its way past the triangle and once again see the moving light ahead.

One hour, sixteen minutes in the dungeon 


The real killer here is that the new version of the module specifies a slightly wider gam to slip through, while the old version explicitly says that characters must doff their armor to make it.  Donning and doffing armor takes a long time, especially for the heavier armors.

1E Stone's potion has restored 1E Weyland fully, but there are others who will soon be close to death as well.

Area 24: Light Ahead


As the party moves carefully along the corridor, Nathair notices something unusual in the ceiling.  She and Stig take a round to examine it and realize it's a trap.  Stig uses his thief's tools to disable the pressure plates that trigger it so the party can move across safely.

One hour and four minutes in the dungeon.


The party quickly makes its way down the corridor.  The danger of traps or surprises feels minor compared to the danger of remaining in this place much longer.  For this reason, Stig is not checking for traps as they move, and when they step on a pressure plate in the floor, a trap is triggered.

Two heavy doors fall in front of and behind them.  There is very little gap between the bottom of the door in front of them, but fortunately, Stig has a crowbar.  As he gets the crowbar out to hand to Mikhael, a noise above their heads is heard, revealing a series of holes now open above them.  Stig hands the crowbar to Mikhael who uses his strength to wedge it under the door and pull, creating a small gap.  Stone and Stig reach down and grip the bottom of the door, pulling up with all their might.  Mikhael joins them and together they are able to lift the door just as sand begins pouring into the space from the holes in the ceiling.  The party darts under the door, escaping the trap.

One hour and nineteen minutes in the dungeon 


The trap works mechanically the same in both versions, but things happen a lot faster in the 1E version.  The party would have five rounds to figure out a way to escape in 5E before the sand pours in, but only a few segments in 1E.

Area 25: The Nest of the Warriors


The party enters a chamber with several large fire beetles.  The creatures take no notice of the party.  Perfectly happy with this state of affairs, Mikhael slowly leads the party into the room.  Because their path so far has generally taken them north, he chooses the northern exit.  The party leaves the room without trouble.

One hour and six minutes in the dungeon.


The party enters a chamber with several large fire beetles.  The creatures take no notice of the party.  Perfectly happy with this state of affairs, Mikhael slowly leads the party into the room.  Because their path so far has generally taken them north, he chooses the northern exit.  The party leaves the room without trouble.

Once they've reached the door and entered, Stig nearly falls over.  Nathair uses a Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds to give him a boost.

One hour and twenty-one minutes in the dungeon 

Area 26: Ramp / Area 27: Stairs


The party makes its way up the stairs, taking care to look around but not wanting to move too slowly.  As a result, the trap near the top of the ramp is unnoticed.  Mikhael triggers it.  A massive millstone begins thundering down the ramp toward the party, crushing nearly all of them.  It continues down the ramp and crashes through the doors to the Fire Beetle Nest.  Mikhael is badly injured but he stands, seeing that Weyland and Morton have avoided being crushed.  A loud buzzing from below ominously warns that the party is in danger.  Mikhael calls forth his power, places his hands on Nathair, and revives her.

Quickly he moves over to Stone as Nathair kneels beside Stig, and they each cast Cure Wounds as the Fire Beetles begin coming up the ramp, angry.  The party, all on their feet now, rush up the stairs and around the corner, out of sight.

One hour, twelve minutes.


The party makes its way up the stairs, moving as quickly as they can, hoping the elevation change might bring them out of the area of poison gas.  They reach the top and round the corner.

One hour and twenty-two minutes in the dungeon 


This is an instance where the 5E version in the dungeon was much more dangerous than the 1E version.  To notice the trap, a PC would have to make a DC 20 Perception check.  Nobody's Passive Perception is that high and since I didn't have them moving very slowly there was no Investigation check to find the trap.  Once triggered, it takes a DC 15 Dexterity save to avoid damage.  A failure means 5d10 damage.  A failure by more than 5 means maximum damage. 

Meanwhile, the 1E version is only triggered on a 3/8 chance.  If it is set off, a Saving Throw vs Petrification is made, with +2 if the PC hugs the wall.  If they fail, they either take 1d8 points of damage, their backpack is smashed, or their pack is torn off but recoverable.

That is very, very kind for 1E.  I suspect again, that it's throttled back due to the poison gas threat.  I'm honestly surprised at how much more deadly the 5E version is.  It could have wiped out the entire party had their rolls been much worse.  (And they were bad.)   

Area 28: The Arc of Nanahuatcin


The party enters a hall littered with broken statues.  Ahead, a spherical creature with eyestalks is visible.  The party begins drawing weapons to face the Beholder, but Nathair calls out.  "Wait!  It isn't as it seems.  Weyland, strike it with a spell!"  Weyland doesn't understand but trusts Nathair's word enough to cast Chill Touch at the creature.  The beast bursts like a balloon, with bits and spores falling to the floor.  Now he understood.  A Gas Spore.  They wait a few moments for the air to clear, then proceed through the hall to the other side.  

100 XP earned.  

One hour and fifteen minutes in the dungeon.


The party enters a hall littered with broken statues.  Ahead, a spherical creature with eyestalks is visible.   The party begins drawing weapons to face the Beholder and as soon as it's spotted, it begins to slowly move toward the party.  Stone cannot seem to draw his crossbow, the bronze axe again teleporting into his hand.  Stig has drawn his Shortbow and he fires, missing the first shot but his second arrow flies true. The creature explodes, to the surprise of the party.  "A gas spore," mutters Weyland.  After a short pause to let the air clear, the party continues through the hall to the other side.

120 XP earned.  

One hour and twenty-four minutes in the dungeon 


It's fortunate for Stig that in 1E, bows get two shots per round.  The dice have not been kind to either party in these last few rooms.

It's worth noting that in both editions, exposure to the spore disease in the Gas Spore is fatal if not cured by a Cure Disease spell.  1E gives the victim 24 hours.  5E gives them 12 hours + Constitution score.


Well, this part moved quickly for both parties but especially the 5E group.  This is good for the 1E PCs because they're nearly out of resources to mitigate the effects of the poison.  

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