Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The 10 Commandments of Wargaming


1. Thou shalt not touch thine opponents' minis, dice or game aids without permission. They are not your property.

2. Thou shalt know the rules of the game and apply them correctly. You would expect the same from your opponent.

3. Thou shalt accept compliments graciously and offer them generously. It promotes a friendly game.

4. Thou shalt not celebrate excessively when thine opponent has bad die rolls. It makes you look like a jerk.

5. Thou shalt not use rules exploits or an opponent's lack of rules knowledge to win. Win on thine own strengths, not others' weaknesses.

6. Thou shalt be generous and reasonable when your opponent makes a minor mistake. Being ruthless is not a positive character trait.

7. Thou shalt be gracious in both victory and defeat. Nobody likes a sore loser or a braggart.

8. Thou shalt think quickly and decisively. Taking too long to decide on moves is not fun for the opponent.

9. Thou shalt be polite and courteous at all times. The game must be fun for both parties.

10. Thou shalt always shake thine opponents' hand after a game. It's good manners.

And above all, game with others as thou would have them game with you.

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